91: Imaginary Numbers
Cristina J. Baptista is a Portuguese-American poet and educator. Her most recent publications include Structo Magazine, The Wayfarer, and Cura. She holds a Ph.D. in English from Fordham University and currently teaches American Literature at a private school in Connecticut.
Bill Christophersen’s first poetry collection, Two Men Fighting in a Landscape (Aldrich Press), just came out and is available at Amazon.com. A musician as well, he subbed on fiddle for Mike Seeger at the New Lost City Ramblers’ 50th anniversary concert at the Brooklyn Jamboree in 2008.
Chip Dameron’s latest collection, Drinking from the River: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2015, was recently published by Wings Press.
Edward Derby had a poem, “Sunspot Photo,” in issue 86. He is a high school teacher with a recent poem in Cloudbank. This past summer he was a Fellow at the Paris American Academy.
G. W. Doran is a stay-at-home dad with a publishing credit in the February 2013 issue of the Chronogram. He currently lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley area of New York with his wife and two daughters.
Anuja Ghimire is from Kathmandu, Nepal. Her poetry is published in Red River Review, Words Like Rain, Glass, Clay, Ishaan Literary Review, The Rainbow Journal, La.Lit Literary Magazine, Stone Path Review, The MOON Magazine, and Constellations, among others. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband and two small children.
Karen Greenbaum-Maya, retired clinical psychologist, German Lit major, two-time Pushcart nominee, loves the Rorschach. Squirrels have moved into her neighborhood, reliably eating the persimmons, apricots and peaches. Kattywompus Press publishes Burrowing Song and Eggs Satori. Her blog has links to on-line poems.
Gwen Hart teaches writing at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Her poems have recently appeared in Clementine Poetry Journal, Measure, and Amethyst and Agate: Poems of Lake Superior.
Siham Karami's recent work is or will be published in The Comstock Review, Measure, The Rotary Dial, Möbius, Unsplendid, The Ghazal Page, and Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, among other places. She's a nerd by day, bard by night. For more information, see her website.
Steve Klepetar's work has appeared widely, and several of his poems have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Recent collections include My Son Writes a Report on the Warsaw Ghetto (Flutter Press) and Return of the Bride of Frankenstein (Kind of a Hurricane Press).
Len Kuntz is a writer from Washington State and an editor at the online magazine Literary Orphans. His work appears widely in print and online, and he is the author of the story collection, The Dark Sunshine. You can find him at http://lenkuntz.blogspot.com.
j.lewis is a quirky writer who has had poems published or performed at Waterline Writers, One Sentence Poems and Cryopoetry, among others.
Amy Miller’s poetry has appeared in Nimrod, Rattle, Right Hand Pointing, Willow Springs, ZYZZYVA, and several chapbooks; her latest, Rough House, will be released online by White Knuckle Press in 2016. She lives in Ashland, Oregon, where she works for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and blogs here.
Kayla Naab is a published poet & marketing professional based in the Pacific Northwest. She and her husband Joe own Evergreen Elite (Digital Marketing) and Pulchritude Press (Non-Profit).
Scott Sherman is a graduate of Ursinus College, where he earned his BA in the field of English. He has been writing poetry for six years, and his work often focuses on abstract realizations of his dreams, youth, and relationships. He breaths nostalgia, and tries to include his past into the majority of his writing.
Scott Sherman has recently, or will be featured in: Indiana Voice Journal, Right Hand Pointing Issue 88, Lost Coast Review Winter 2016.
Sarah Ann Winn’s poems have appeared in Bodega, Hobart (online), and Nashville Review, among others. Her micro-chapbook, Haunting the Last House on Holland Island, is upcoming from Porkbelly. Her first chapbook, Portage, is available from Sundress Publications. Visit her at http://bluebirdwords.com or on Twitter @blueaisling.