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We publish short poems, very short fiction, art and photography.




We prefer 16 lines or fewer and fewer than 75 words. Never more than 20 lines or 100 words.  Prose poems 100 words or fewer.


Howie Good has characterized the kind of poetry that appears on Right Hand Pointing like this:


Short, of course. Generally minimalist as a result. Highly imagistic, yet often containing an implied plot or at least a first- or third-person character. They revel in ambiguity but aren't ever deliberately obscure. Intellectual without being pretentious, original or novel without being consciously weird or eccentric.


To allow our readers to access the journal in schools and places with content filters, we avoid publishing profanity and sexually explicit content.


We’re generally averse to rhyme.




Under 500 words.




Submit via Submittable:


Poems: 1 to 4 pieces. Not more than 4 please. (editor: Dale)


Fiction: 1 or 2 pieces (editor: John)


Art: Send samples and inquire either through Submittable: (above) or by email to Dale at





The Editors

Submission Guidelines in Brief

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