Corey Mesler
Prone with pain only a poem
leaks out. It might be
this squeak, or something
even frailer.
Corey Mesler
The river knows my ache.
While I sleep it flows
through me, cleansing the
heart, leaving the detritus
of a tired earth in my shoes.
The river knows my ache
Corey Mesler
My wife hears the woodpecker’s
maraca and is
drawn outside
into the icy air.
Later she shows me a photograph
of the woodpecker,
frozen, still, soundless and blurred.
Sean Denmark
June 18, Portomarín
From the bridge
into town, you can
see, spilling out
the city’s side,
white stairs
marching down
into stillness:
the path to
the old city,
sliding beneath
its reservoir.
Carol Dorf
The worst of them
travel the world, shouting,
"Your Head On A Platter."
Perseus came to Medusa
and not the other way round.
How afraid was he?
She had no fear until too late.
The Sin of Ugly
McPherson Newell
In Molde, Norway, the Tour Guide Describes My Mind
There is a crack in that mountain.
It's gonna fall down
one of these days,
cause tsunamis in the fjord.
We are monitoring
the disasters,
especially as things melt.
Michael Minassian
Thunderclouds boom
in the afternoon
& the power goes off,
leaving me sitting in the dark,
both actor & audience
in an unwritten play.
Bruce Robinson
Dolphins again on the intracoastal,
a right turn off the causeway,
the water flowing south, well, us too,
and in the middle distance, dark fins
abiding in the remnant sun.
Last Days
Howie Good
You can’t make
a revolution
with silk gloves.
Show where it hurts
with your hand.
Why not
Fear of life
can be
a subtle
Assembled from the titles of artworks by Wilfredo Prieto, Mladen Miljanović, Rose Sélavy, and Elizabeth Condon
Mark Young
always comes
back to this.
Miles & me
in an empty
house with
the ghost of
someone I
didn't stand
the ghost of a
chance with.
Sina Evans
These are starting points, these photographs. Shreds of paper, iron scissors, the city
between body and bone.
A woman and zebras.
Clavicle, curve, seamstress.
Dear Francesca,
Tony Press
We thought a leather jacket made you tough
Ricky was a new kid who wore one
so we thought he was
He wasn’t, until he was
he had no choice
Lisa Fusch Krause
Grapefruit sharp,
your lips on mine—
no sugar,
serrated spoon

Hugh Anderson is a Vancouver Islander, long enough removed from the prairies to loathe the cold. His incarnations have ranged from bus driver to actor to teacher. Recently, his poems have appeared or are about to appear in Popshot, Right Hand Pointing, Conclave, Kaaterskill Basin Journal and The Quilliad.
Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives and writes barefoot in the Ozarks. She is the author of two books and three chapbooks, most recently Persephone on the Metro (Mad Hat Books, 2014). Check her website at
Sean Denmark is a teacher and writer in New York City. Originally from Alabama, he has also lived in Cameroon, where he was a Peace Corps volunteer. He is working on a manuscript of poems written on the Camino de Santiago.
Carol Dorf's poetry has been published in Slipstream, Glint, The Mom Egg, Spillway, Sin Fronteras, Antiphon, Composite, About Place, The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Scientific American, Maintenant, OVS, Best of Indie Lit New England, and elsewhere. She is poetry editor of Talking Writing and teaches mathematics at Berkeley High School.
Sina Evans is an artist-poet based in Los Angeles. She was a featured artist in Chicago’s Columbia College exhibit Ballyhoo: Beasts, Broads and the Bizarre, summer 2016. She has two chapbooks forthcoming, both from dancing girl press.
Howie Good is the Poet Laureate of the World Wide Web.
M. A. Istvan Jr., an animal dealer based in Austin, TX, has spearheaded a campaign to display zoo creatures in “unnatural” settings (walruses, for example, in replicas of office mailrooms).
Born in 1961, Michael Kriesel is a lapsed ceremonial magician / Cabalist and recovering hermit who collects 1940s comic books, 1910s carnival glass, and old Halloween postcards (1908-1920 era). A Right Hand Pointing digital chapbook is in the works.
Lisa Fusch Krause resides in Seattle, Washington. She has published both poetry and prose in journals such as Cahoodaloodaling, Cascadia Review, Englyn, The Ghazal Page, and Red Fez, as well as previously in Right Hand Pointing. A long-time editor, she currently freelances for a state history website.
Daniel Lassell is the winner of a William J. Maier Writing Award and runner-up of the 2016 Bermuda Triangle Prize. His work has appeared recently or is forthcoming in Slipstream, Hotel Amerika, Columbia Journal Online, Atticus Review, Split Lip Magazine, Reunion: The Dallas Review, New Poetry from the Midwest, and The Poet's Billow. He lives with his wife in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Corey Mesler has been published in numerous anthologies and journals including Poetry, Gargoyle, Five Points, Good Poems American Places, and Esquire/Narrative. He can be found at
Michael Minassian lives in San Antonio, Texas. His poems have appeared in such journals as The Aurorean, The Broken Plate, Exit 7, The Galway Review, Third Wednesday, and Verse-Virtual. He is also the writer/producer of the podcast series Eye On Literature. Amsterdam Press published a chapbook of poems entitled The Arboriculturist in 2010.
Catherine Moore is the author of three chapbooks including the upcoming Wetlands (Dancing Girl Press). Her poetry appears in Cider Press Review, Blue Fifth Review, Caesura, and various anthologies. She won the Southeast Review’s 2014 Poetry Prize and she’s Tweetable @CatPoetic.
McPherson Newell is a high-school student who has spent four years being given strange glances as she crafts poetry under her breath in the hallway. She was the first student at her school to win the title of Lakeside Poet Laureate as a sophomore, the same year that she won the Georgia Poet Laureate's Prize. Her work has appeared in the Eunoia Review and Atlanta magazine.
Tom Nolan’s work can be seen on Right Hand Pointing, and in Fresh Ink where he has won awards for his short fiction as well as his poetry.
Tony Press tries to pay attention. Sometimes he does. His short-story collection, Crossing the Lines, was published in 2016 by Big Table Publishing. He lives near San Francisco but has no website.
Bruce Robinson’s “Rain Delay,” published in Right Hand Pointing 92, has been redistributed by Pittsburgh Poetry Houses. He thinks the dolphins are associate artists ex officio of the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna Beach.
D.J. Schaefer is currently a soldier with the 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell, KY USA. We are pleased to have his poem in RHP and we thank him for his service.
Scot Siegel is the author of The Constellation of Extinct Stars and Thousands Flee California Wildflowers, both from Salmon Poetry. His poems have appeared in RHP, Nimrod, and San Pedro River Review, among others.
Sarah J. Sloat lives in Germany, where she works in news. Some of Sarah’s recent poetry and prose have appeared in The Offing, Word Riot and Flag+Void. She keeps an irregular blog at The Rain in My Purse (
Kim Suttell lives in New York City, where a lot of people write poetry but it’s hard to get to know them. Her work has appeared in Right Hand Pointing and other journals. Please visit at
Preeti Talwai is a researcher at Google[x] and holds a Master of Environmental Design from the Yale School of Architecture. Her previous print and online publications have explored the Indian-American experience and the built environment, and her creative fiction has been acquired by the Rare Book Collection at UC Berkeley.
Meredith Weiers graduated from Carnegie Mellon University and lives in southern Maryland.
Sunny Yan is a graduate of Mills College. She lives and writes in Washington, D.C.
Mark Young's most recent book of poetry, Mineral Terpsichore, is out from gradient press of Finland. His latest e-book, The Holy Sonnets unDonne, is available as a download from The Red Ceilings Press.