James Claffey hails from County Westmeath, Ireland, and lives on an avocado ranch in Carpinteria, CA. He is the author of the fiction collection, Blood a Cold Blue. His work appears in the W.W. Norton Anthology, Flash Fiction International, and forthcoming in Queensferry Press's anthology, Best Small Fictions of 2015.
Right Hand Pointing Books brought out Mark Cunningham’s collection Scissors and Starfish. His most recent longish piece is And Suddenly It’s Evening (Beard of Bees).
Robin Wyatt Dunn writes and teaches in Los Angeles.
Timothy Gager is the author of eleven books of short fiction and poetry. His latest, The Thursday Appointments of Bill Sloan, (Big Table Publishing) is his first novel. He hosts the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts for over thirteen years and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writers Festival. His work appears in over 300 journals, of which nine have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His work has been read on National Public Radio.
Jason Galloway lives and teaches four-year-olds in Greenville, SC. He is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and recently wrote a poem each day for thirty days for The Tupelo Press's 30/30 Project.
Emily Middents Graf refers to herself as nomadic, but secretly wants to put down roots in a mountain town in the American West. She just graduated from Kenyon College with a BA in English. Her work has been published in Kenyon journals HIKA, Persimmons, and The Fabulist.
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in New Plains Review, Big Muddy and Sanskrit with work upcoming in South Carolina Review, Gargoyle, Mudfish and Louisiana Literature. John's first poem in RHP appeared 10 years ago.
Siham Karami's recent work is or will be published in The Comstock Review, The Rotary Dial, Möbius, Unsplendid, and Autumn Sky Poetry Daily. She spends days as a nerd, nights as a bard. For more information, see her website at
Denny E. Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. One recent credit is cover art for Disturbed Digest June 2015, the other half of the drawing is on the back cover. Denny did the cover image for this issue of RHP you're reading right now. See more at
Right Hand Pointing would like to welcome and congratulate Kailey Medzadourian. This is Kailey’s first publication. She will be studying English and writing next year at the University of Scranton.
Todd Mercer’s digital chapbook, Life-wish Maintenance (2015) appeared at Right Hand Pointing. His poetry and fiction appear in journals such as Apocrypha & Abstractions, The Camel Saloon, Cheap Pop, Dunes Review, Eunoia Review, Kentucky Review, Kudzu, The Lake, The Legendary, Lost Coast Review, Main Street Rag Anthologies and Midwestern Gothic.
Emma Moser is an MFA candidate for fiction at Southern Connecticut State University. Her work has appeared at several literary venues, including Cheat River Review and Thoreau’s Rooster, and is forthcoming at Prairie Margins. She is creator of the blog “Antiquarian Desiderium,” and a contributor to Writers Get Together.
Luis Neer is an alumnus of the creative writing program at the 2014 WV Governor’s School for the Arts, and his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Maudlin House; Literary Orphans; Squawk Back; The Rain, Party & Disaster Society and elsewhere. He tweets @LuisNeer.
Sonya Plenefisch was raised in Sylvania, Ohio, but now lives and studies in Cardiff, Wales. Her work has previously appeared in Words Dance, Epigraph Magazine, Driftwood Press, and Clover, A Literary Rag, and is forthcoming in Corvus Review and Collision. More of her work can be found at
Scott Sherman is a graduate of Ursinus College, where he got his BA in English. His writing often revolves around short yet abstract conceptions of dreams, youth, and frontiers. He probably doesn't drink enough water, but somehow has to go to the bathroom way too often. Scott Sherman has recently, or will be featured in: Indiana Voice Journal, Beyond the Sea Issue 1, and The Blue Route Issue 5.
David Subacchi was born in Wales (UK) of Italian roots and writes in English, Welsh and sometimes Italian. Cestrian Press has published two collections of his poetry, First Cut (2012) and Hiding in Shadows (2014)
Adam Tedesco has worked as a shipbuilder, a meditation instructor, and cultural. He is a contributing editor for the online literary journal Drunk In A Midnight Choir. His work has appeared in Similar:Peaks::, Potluck, and pioneertown. He lives in Albany, New York, where he prays to rabbits in the dark.
Guy Traiber practices the practice of trying to throw or give away every day at least 3 items but fails as he, more often than that, gets 4 items a day. He doesn’t delete as often as he should. More often than that he writes.