Cezarija Abartis' Nice Girls and Other Stories was published by New Rivers Press. Her stories have appeared in Per Contra, Pure Slush, and New York Tyrant, among others. She participates on, and Her flash, “The Writer,” was selected by Dan Chaon for Wigleaf’s Top 50 Online Fictions of 2012. Recently she completed a novel, a thriller. She teaches at St. Cloud State University. Her website is here.
Tyler Barton is the fiction editor of Third Point Press, and an MFA candidate at Minnesota State University. His published stories can be found at Follow him @goftyler.
Brian Beatty’s jokes, poems and short stories have appeared in numerous print and online publications, as well as in public art projects and on public radio. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Brett Bennett likes coffee and football and proclaiming “This is like a David Lynch movie!” when confronted with something strange. Described as “the sweetest person I’ve ever arrested” and “the worst girlfriend I’ve ever had” [by two different people]. Her websites are and
Beau Boudreaux teaches English in Continuing Studies at Tulane University in New Orleans. His first book-length collection Running Red, Running Redder was published in the spring of 2012 by Cherry Grove Collections. He has published his poetry in journals including Antioch Review and Louisiana Literature, and in anthologies including The Southern Poetry Anthology.
Danielle Nicole Byington's work can be seen in The Camel Saloon, Black Mirror Magazine, and Rust + Moth. While pursuing her English-MA with a focus on Medieval and Renaissance literature, Danielle enjoys life in East Tennessee listening to oldies with with her cats and ignoring the dishes in the sink.
R.T. Castleberry's work has appeared in multiple issues of Right Hand Pointing, in Comstock Review, Green Mountains Review, Santa Fe Literary Review, The Alembic, Pacific Review, among other journals. He is a co-founder of the Flying Dutchman Writers Troupe, co-editor/publisher of the poetry magazine Curbside Review, an assistant editor for Lily Poetry Review and Ardent. His work has been featured in the anthologies Travois-An Anthology of Texas Poetry, TimeSlice and The Weight of Addition. His chapbook, Arriving At The Riverside, was published by Finishing Line Press in January, 2010. An e-book, Dialogue and Appetite, was published by Right Hand Pointing in May, 2011.
Mark Danowsky’s poetry has appeared in Alba, Cordite, Grey Sparrow, Mobius, Shot Glass Journal, Third Wednesday and other journals. Mark is originally from the Philadelphia area, but currently resides in North-Central West Virginia. He works for a private detective agency and is Managing Editor for the Schuylkill Valley Journal.
Robin Wyatt Dunn writes and teaches in Los Angeles. He’s online at
Howie Good's poetry has appeared almost everywhere.
Charlotte Hamrick lives, writes, eats, and dreams in New Orleans. It's worked out perfectly for her. Her poetry has most recently been published in Moving Poems, Literary Orphans, and Olentangy Review.
Santosh Kalwar works as a poet, writer and researcher. He is the author of the novel That’s My Love Story, published by Mahaveer Publishers. His poems and articles have appeared in Mad Swirl, unFold, Rusty Truck, New Polish Beat, Chiron Review, and others. For more info, please visit:
Corey Mesler has published in numerous journals including Poetry and Esquire. He has published novels, short story collections, chapbooks, and 4 full-length poetry collections. He’s been nominated for many Pushcarts, and 2 of his poems were chosen for Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. He runs a bookstore in Memphis.
Jeffrey Park lives in Goettingen, Germany and teaches English at the Georg-August-Universitaet.
Brad Rose is a frequent contributor to Right Hand Pointing, which has ever-so-delicately hinted to him that he should find some new friends and stop bothering us already. His book of poetry and micro fiction, Pink X-Ray, is available from Big Table Publishing. (Also available from Amazon.) His second chapbook from RHP, Democracy of Secrets, is right here. His blog is
Trish Saunders lives in Seattle and Honolulu, where she enjoys spying on rare birds. Her poems are published or about-to-be in Silver Birch Press, Gnarled Oak, Blast Furnace Press, Off the Coast and Busted Dharma.
Patrick Williams is a poet and academic librarian living in Central New York. Recent work appears in publications including Prelude, SOFTBLOW, BORT Quarterly, and Heavy Feather Review. He is the editor of Really System, a journal of poetry and extensible poetics. Find him at & @activitystory.