C o n t r i b u t o r s
Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis.
Allie Marini Batts is an MFA candidate at Antioch University of Los Angeles, meaning she can explain deconstructionism, but cannot perform simple math. Find her at https://www.facebook.com/AllieMariniBatts
CL Bledsoe's most recent collection is Riceland. He blogs at http://clbledsoe.blogspot.com.
Cara Prill enjoys designing and leading creative writing workshops for her community. The poems presented here are from her manuscript, Worn, which explores caregiving in a dysfunctional relationship. Other work appears online with theNewerYork.
Chris Fradkin is a beet farmer who is tending crops in Central California. His prose and poetry have appeared in Thrice Fiction, Monkeybicycle, and Thrush Poetry Journal. His songs have been performed by Fergie, The Plimsouls, and The Flamin' Groovies. His photography has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, and his Emmy-award-winning sound editing has graced The X-Files.
Cody Badaracca grew up in North Routt County, Colorado, near Clark. He dreams about living in the desert of New Mexico or the bayou of Louisiana, if only for the mild winters and variety of reptiles.
Gabrielle Campagnano is a senior at Sarah Lawrence College. Her work can be found in e.ratio poetry magazine, and forthcoming issues of Indefinite Space and the Eunoia Review. She is a part-time elementary school classroom assistant and experimental baker.
Greta Igl’s short fiction has been published by numerous literary magazines and anthologies, including Boston Literary Magazine, Falling Star Magazine, and Right Hand Pointing. She is currently revising two novels, Somewhere on the Road to Me and Jamieson’s Folly.
Howie Good's latest book of poetry collection is The Complete Absence of Twilight (2014) from MadHat Press. He co-edits White Knuckle Press with Dale Wisely.
James M. Croteau grew up gay and Catholic in the southern United States in the '60s and '70s and he loved his mother very much. In addition to RHP his poems have appeared in New Verse News and Hoot: a Postcard review of {mini} poetry and prose. A series of his poems are scheduled to appear in Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry in April 2014.
Jeanie Tomasko is the author of Sharp as Want (Little Eagle Press), a poetry / artworks collaboration with Sharon Auberle, Tricks of Light (Parallel Press) and the e-chapbook, If I Confess Before 5:00 (Right Hand Pointing). She has three forthcoming chapbooks, two forthcoming kayaks and more than one forthright cat.
Karin Olander is from the border of Ohio and West Virginia and writes a lot about aliens. She teaches English at The City College of New York and co-runs Bushwick Sweethearts, a reading and art series/webzine in Brooklyn. You can read some of her recent poems at Keep This Bag Away From Children.
Larry D. Thomas, a longtime contributor of poetry to RHP, lives in Alpine, TX. When not enjoying the latest releases of RHP, he and his wife, Lisa, relish sitting on their balcony and gazing out over the Great Chihuahuan Desert. Their dogs, Pecos and Piñon, are also Chihuahuan.
Michaela Ridgway lives in Brighton. Her magazine credits include Magma, Orbis, Other Poetry, The Frogmore Papers, Tears in the Fence, Antiphon and The Interpreter’s House. She hosts the monthly Pighog Plus! Poetry night in Brighton.
Pat M. Kuras is a poet and writer from Massachusetts. Her poems have appeared in The Gambler Mag and Drawn To Marvel (Minor Arcana Press, 2014). Her first book of poetry is The Pinball Player (Good Gay Poets, Boston).
Richard J. Fleming is from Chicago. He has graduated from Academia, and has degrees in Fine Art & English Literature. He has had poetry published in Right Hand Pointing, The Rusty Nail, Inkwell Mag, & Curio & forthcoming in Otoliths. Right Hand Pointing published his first chapbook, Aperture.
Sarah Nichols is a writer and artist living in Connecticut. Her chapbook, The Country of No (Finishing Line Press) was published in 2012. Her poem “The Mirror” appeared in Silver Birch Press’s Noir Erasure Poetry Anthology (2013). Recent work has appeared in Found Poetry Review, The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly Blog (February 17-23, 2014), MiPOesias, and Connecticut Review.
Sharon Suzuki-Martinez is the author of a book of poetry: The Way of All Flux (New Rivers Press, 2012). She created and curates The Poet’s Playlist, a music and poetry blog at http://poetsplaylist.tumblr.com/ She lives in Tempe, Arizona where she lifts hearts and airplanes with her mind.
Todd Mercer won the Woodstock Writers Festival’s Flash Fiction contest and took 2nd and 3rd place of the Kent County Dyer-Ives Prizes. His chapbook Box of Echoes won the Michigan Writers Cooperative Press contest. Mercer's poetry appears in Thema, Blue Collar Review, Eunoia Review, The Lake and Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.
Allie Marini Batts
Sarah Nichols
Cody Badaracca
Larry D. Thomas
Pat M. Kuras