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Listen, get comfortable because we have a lot to talk about. First, we have the new design of the Right Hand Pointing site. I've been looking for two years for a new platform for RHP.  The process has been a bit comical. The service offers dozens of beautiful templates and designs, with all kinds of graphics and glitzy, gorgeous features. So, most of the process of building RHP has been getting rid of all the beautiful, cool stuff to get, you know, this look.


I'm pleased with how the website looks just a little spiffier but preserves the old stubbornly retro look. And, of course, we've preserved the traditional orange background and the Navigational Right Hand of Deliverance.


Long story regarding why, but we purchased (that's .net) for the new site. But will forward you to the new site. So don't worry.  All previous issues and digital chapbooks will stay where they have always been and links to old issues will work.


Issue 73, this one, is devoted to one-sentence poems. It was ably guest-edited by Robert Scotellaro, whose work has appeared previously in RHP. Robert will have a chapbook of prose poems on our sister website, White Knuckle, this summer.


Robert Scotellaro and I were stunned by the quality of one-sentence poems submitted for this issue. We had to turn down a lot of fine work. So, we've gone and done it now.










We'll start accepting your one-sentence poems for this new journal on March 15. Fun! My thanks to Robert and to all who submitted and to those whose work appears in the issue.





The Note

by Dale Wisely


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