C o n t r i b u t o r s
"13 Mandala" by DWisely. Source material: Diagram of an Apollo 13 control panel.
Aaron Wiegert is Poetry Editor for Drunk Monkeys webzine and author of Evil Queen, a chapbook from Budget Press. His work has appeared in Poetry Salzburg Review, American Tanka, Indent Magazine, Tulane Review, South Carolina Review, Burner Magazine, and Antique Children Quarterly. Feel free to contact him at aarondwiegert@gmail.com.
Allan Peterson's chapbook, Other Than They Seem, won the 2014 Snowbound Chapbook Prize at Tupelo Press, judged by Ruth Ellen Kocher. His fourth full collection, Fragile Acts (McSweeney's Poetry Series) was finalist for the 2013 National Book Critics Circle Award and the Oregon Book Award. His fifth book, Precarious, will be released by 42 Miles Press September 1.
Andy Fogle is Virginia Beach, DC, and upstate NY. Recent nonfiction and poetry have appeared in The Writer’s Chronicle and Noon: A Journal of the Short Poem. More’s on the way in Gargoyle and Bottle Rockets. His free, digital chapbook of prose poems, The Last Apprenticeship, is available from our irritable sister site, White Knuckle.
Clarence Wolfshohl is an old guy who is a printer/printmaker and writes poems. He lives in a nine-acre wood near Fulton, Missouri, with his two dogs and a cat. Clarence's prints illustrated Larry D. Thomas' print chapbook, The Red Candle-lit Darkness, which was presented in a web version by RHP here.
A poet and playwright, Dave Malone hides out in the Missouri Ozarks where he reigns as the poet laureate of his local bourbon and scotch club. His most recent work appears in Yonder Mountain: An Ozarks Anthology (University of Arkansas Press, 2013).
Dawn Corrigan’s debut novel, an ecological mystery called Mitigating Circumstances, was released from Five Star/Cengage in January 2014.
Gary J. Whitehead is a poet, teacher, painter and crossword constructor. His third collection of poems, A Glossary of Chickens, was published by Princeton University Press in 2013. His previous books include Measuring Cubits while the Thunder Claps and The Velocity of Dust. He has also authored three chapbooks of poetry, two of which were winners of national competitions. His writing awards include, among others, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, the Pearl Hogrefe Fellowship at Iowa State University, and the PEN Northwest Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Residency Award. He has also been awarded the Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teaching Award. His poems have appeared widely, most notably in The New Yorker. He lives in the Hudson Valley of New York and teaches English and creative writing at Tenafly High School in New Jersey.
Howie Good rules the world of Internet poetry. He co-edits White Knuckle Press with Dale. An upcoming collection of collage poems from Right Hand Pointing Books will benefit a charity selected by Howie.
Jon Sindell is a humanities tutor and a writing coach for business professionals. His flash fiction collection, The Roadkill Collection, is scheduled to be released by Big Table Publishing in late 2014. Jon’s short fiction has appeared in over sixty publications. He curates the Rolling Writers reading series in San Francisco.
Joy Ladin, Gottesman Professor of English at Yeshiva University, has published six books of poetry, including Forward Fives award winner Coming to Life and Lambda Literary Award finalist Transmigration; her seventh collection, Impersonation, is due out in 2015. Her memoir, Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders, was a 2012 National Jewish Book Award finalist. Her work has appeared in many periodicals, including American Poetry Review, Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Southwest Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and North American Review, and has been recognized with a Fulbright Scholarship.
Kathleen Kirk has been in Right Hand Pointing before! She is the poetry editor for Escape Into Life.
Marc Vincenz is Swiss-British, was born in Hong Kong, and divides his time between Zurich, Reykjavik and Boston. His recent collections are: Gods of a Ransacked Century, Mao's Mole, Behind the Wall at the Sugar Works, Additional Breathing Exercises, Beautiful Rush and This Wasted Land and its Chymical Illuminations (with Tom Bradley), forthcoming from Lavender Ink. Marc is Executive Editor of Mad Hatters' Review, MadHat Press, Coeditor-in-Chief of Fulcrum: An Anthology of Poetry and Aesthetics, and a director of Evolution Arts, Inc.
Mark Reep is an artist and writer whose work has appeared in American Art Collector, Bluecanvas, Endicott Journal, Metazen, Prick of the Spindle, and Word Riot. He is represented by Jardine Gallery, Perth, Scotland. His exhibition Dreams in Black and White opens June 4 at Found in Ithaca, New York. Visit Mark’s website and blog.
President of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets, Michael Kriesel has appeared in Alaska Quarterly, Antioch Review, Rattle, North American Review, and The Progressive. He was featured poet for the 2010 Great Lakes Writers Festival.
Mitchell Garrard is from Seattle, where he spends most of his time restoring antiques. When there are no antiques left, he is an amateur dart player. His poems have most recently appeared in Camel Saloon, Dead Snakes, The Kitchen Poet, and Uut Poetry.
Rusty T. Russell was coordinator of the Cheap At Any Price poetry readings in Madison, WI, for 15 years. His poetry has been rejected by some of the finest magazines in the country, and accepted by SOL, Nimrod, Rosebud, Third Wednesday, and After Hours (among others). For the moment, he lives in Guanajuato, MX.
Shawn Berman is an abandoned building in New York. He will be knocked down later this year. His most recent work has been featured in Electric Cereal, Voicemail Poems and The Squawk Back. He can be followed on twitter @ramonbermanez.
Tyler Conaty has been caught in a cycle of writing long, cyclical autobiographical poems. Consider this short, shallow biography an attempt to escape. Tyler’s work has previously appeared in RHP.
Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives in the Ozarks. Her new chapbook, Persephone on the Metro (MadHat Books, 2014) is available on Amazon and the MadHat website.